*Courses are not offered every semester. Please check the class schedule for additional information.
ANTH 111: The Anthropology of Globalization
ANTH 113: Urban Anthropology
ANTH 116: Indigenous Activism in the Americas
ANTH 117: The Anthropology of Citizenship
BIO 124: Microbial Evolution
COGS 005: Introduction to Language and Linguistics
CRS 010: Introduction to Community Engaged Research
CRS 195: Community Research and Service Experience
ENG 097: Engineering Service Learning
ENG 192: Internship in English
ENGR 190: Engineering Capstone Design
ENGR 197: Engineering Service Learning II
ENVE 164: Energy Policy
ENVE 190: Environmental Engineering Capstone Design
GASP 092: Internship in Global Arts
GASP 173A: Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology
GASP 192: Internship in Global Arts
HS 190: Topics in World Heritage
ME 170: Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design
MGMT 118: Women in Executive Leadership
MGMT 124: Organizational Behavior and Leadership
MGMT 127: Public Sector and Non-profit Management
MIST 040: Sucess through Interpersonal Social Skills
MIST 050: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
MIST 130: Statistical Data Analysis and Optimization in R for Decision Support
MIST 135: Technical Communication and Visualization Skills
MIST 164: Energy Policy
MSE 120: Materials Capstone Design
NSED 023: Introduction to Teaching Science in Elementary School
NSED 024: Fieldwork: Introduction to Teaching Science in Elementary School
NSED 033: Introduction to Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School
NSED 034: Fieldwork: Introduction to Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School
NSED 043: Introduction to Teaching Science in Middle School
NSED 044: Fieldwork: Introduction to Teaching Science in Middle School
NSED 053: Introduction to Teaching Mathematics in Middle School
NSED 054: Fieldwork: Introduction to Teaching Mathematics in Middle School
NSED 063: Introduction to Teaching Science in High School
NSED 064: Fieldwork: Introduction to Teaching Science in High School
NSED 073: Introduction to Teaching Mathematics in High School
NSED 074: Fieldwork: Introduction to Teaching Mathematics in High School
NSED 150: Research Methods in Education
PHIL 002: Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 003: Contemporary Moral Problems
PHIL 102: Epistemology
PHIL 170: Philosophy, Politics and Economics
POLI 009: Community Mobilization and Politics
POLI 092: Internship in Political Science
POLI 107: California Politics
POLI 108: Direct Democracy
POLI 112: Public Policy: Analysis, Strategy, and Impact
POLI 135: Political Behavior Around the World
POLI 192: Internship in Political Science
SOC 009: Community Mobilization and Politics
SOC 110: Social Movements, Protest and Collective Action
SOC 111: Environmental Sociology
SOC 115: Political Sociology
SOC 140: Organizational Behavior
SPAN 092: Internship in Spanish
SPAN 107: Spanish for Health Professionals
SPAN 111: Empire, The Postcolonial, and Representation: Reading East & West
SPAN 192: Internship in Spanish
Catalog information can be found
Last updated 03/04/2021