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Key Documents

Here are some of the important documents that are cited in this webpage.  Additional resources are listed below.  (To return to the webpage after viewing a hyperlink, select the back arrow.)

Cited Resources (hyperlinks)

  1. GE Self-Study
  2. GE Retreat 2014
  3. GE Retreat 2015
  4. Hallmarks 11-16-16
  5. External Review
  6. Mission and Program Learning Outcomes
  7. Template and Action Plan by Memo 11-19-15
  8. GE Curriculum Draft Proposal by Memo 6-24-16
  9. GE Curriculum Draft Proposal 09-27-16
  10. Spark Seminar Template Syllabi
  11. Sample Course Sequencing in Proposed GE Program
  12. Final GE Proposal 04-27-1
  13. Guidelines for Designing a Spark Seminar
  14. Guidelines for Designing and Submitting a Co-Curricular Experience
  15. GE Program Catalog Copy Approved by UGC
  16. General Education Information Session Presented in COB 102 on 06-05-18
  17. GE Talking Points
  18. GE Bylaws

Additional Resources Bibliography

  1. Recent Trends in General Education Design, Learning Outcomes, and Teaching Approaches on behalf of AACU
  2. Making the Case for Liberal Education by Debra Humphreys
  3. High-Impact Educational Practices by AACU / Leap
  4. Reinventing Undergraduate Education by the Boyer Commission
  5. Employer Survey on behalf of AACU

The General Education Subcommittee can be contacted at